Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Culture Note: The Tale of Genji

The tale of Genji is a novel reputed to have been written by Murasaki Shikibu in the early eleventh century. It features a large cast of characters, and doesn't have a real "plot"-it is more of a slice of life that follows the lives of the characters, most of whom reside at Court. The main character, Hikaru Genji, is the son of the emporer with nice looks. A lot of focus is on his romantic exploits, one of which is on the girl Murasaki. When she is a child, he kidnaps her and raises her to be his "perfect" lady. Sometimes in manga or even outside of Japan, you might hear reference to this, someone raising a child to be their perfect lover. It is also notable because it is the first example of a novel the entire world has. A Japanese woman wrote the first novel.

The Tale of Genji has been converted into movies and operas.


  1. 日本語で、源氏物語(げんじものがたり)といいます。It is required for all high school students to study. I read all series of Genji in Old Japanese. It was soooo difficult but really good literature.

  2. One thing I want to accomplish by studying Japanese is to be able to read this noval in it's original form.

  3. Andy, that was soooo difficult. It was like a code language. I found the website that has Genji written in old and modern Japanese. You might see how they are.

  4. haha,the website is soooo hard! even the subtitle is writen by kanji...Andyさん、がんばってね ~:)

  5. でしょ。I told you. がんばってね、アンディさん。
