Saturday, February 27, 2010

Common Japanese Food: ラーメン

ラーメン,is a Japanese noodle dish that originated in China. It is served in a meat- or fish-based broth, often flavored with soy sauce or miso, and uses toppings such as sliced pork (チャーシュー,), dried seaweed (のり,),かまぼこ, green onions and even corn. Almost every locality in Japan has its own variation of ramen, the most common two are 味噌(みそ)ラーメン and豚骨(とんこつ)ラーメン.


  1. Joduさんは、どんなラーメンが好きですか。私は味噌が一番好きです。とくに味噌バターコーンラーメンは最高(さいこう)だね。それから餃子(ぎょうざ)も大好きです。Do you have your favorite ramen? What taste is popular in Taiwan??

  2. 実話、私わあまりラーメンを食べません。日本料理店に、天麩羅と土瓶蒸しと丼が一番好きです。
    台湾で、いろいろラーメン店があります。One of the famous stores is 赤坂ラーメン. It is said that having the same flavor with the ラーメン which made by the champion of the Japanese show"TV champion".
