Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Cultural Note: Not to make you hungry

Is fast food in Japan the same as the U.S.?

Fast food at places like McDonalds is actually the same as the U.S., however the experience may strongly differ. In Many of the McDonalds in Japan (especially Tokyo) the meals are actually purchased downstairs and are taken up-stairs to eat. Often times fast food chains in Japan will bring out your food to your car, making it that much more convenient. Can't imagine that ever happening in the City of Brotherly Love any time soon.

Any differences among food taste between Japan and the U.S.?

For the most part, both of these countries share alot of the same taste with food do towards cultural fusion within the last century, although a statistic was taken that about 80% of Japanese people have never tried turkey- and that Japanese people find the taste of turkey to be very strange. I honestly am not sure if the research on this next fact is true, however, i have found that japanese people like to put corn, sesame seeds, and mayonaise on their PIZZA (not all at that the same time of course). Call me crazy

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