Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Cultural Note: カプセルホテル

My cultural note is on a concept that originated in Japan. Though, it is now in other countries, it has not become as popular as it has in Japan. Capsule Hotels have become a a very cheap way for travellers or locals to spend a night in a hotel.

They range from anywhere between 2000-4000 yen. That is roughly $20 to $40 American dollars. The reason Capsule Hotels are so cheap is because, as the name suggests, you stay in a capsule. The dimensions are around 2mx1mx1.25m. And they are made from either plastic or fiberglass. The capsules are stacked on top of each other and next to each other. There are stacked two capsules high.

Though, they are small, they still have some modern conviences in them. Such as television, internet, or some kind of electronic console. The one thing that the hotel owners ask that the people do not do is smoke or eat inside. Most likely due to cleanliness or the health risk it could have on the people.

Of course the capsules are too small to have any type of restroom of sorts. So there is a communal restroom set up. There is privacy between the capsules. There are curtains or a fiberglass door. The hotels also may provide a yukata for the person spending the night.

The first capsule hotel was the Capsule Inn Osaka. It was designed by Kisho Kurokawa and located in the Umeda district of Osaka. It opened up on February 1st, 1979 and the rooms only cost 1600yen.


  1. A hotel that has rooms like capsules. Sounds like something from a science fiction book. Sounds interesting, and the price is unbelievable!

  2. Wow o_o That's pretty crazy. I'm pretty sure sleeping in one of those things would make me feel claustrophobic...
