Wednesday, March 31, 2010

日本語 の キーボー ド

Japanese keyboards are in QWERTY format just like the English-language keyboards we’re all used to. The Japanese can use their keyboards to type in both ローマ字 (romanji) and 仮名(kana). Writing in Japanese on the computer however is much more difficult in Japanese than it is in English. The biggest reason for this is because there are very few “character” or letter possibilities in English, whereas in Japanese there are hundreds of characters causing complications.

Katakana and hiragana don’t tend to pose too much of a problem to type on the computer, but kanji is a bit trickier, as there are far more kanji than there are keys on a keyboard. To input kanji on modern computers, the reading of kanji is usually entered first, then an input method editor (the process is pictured below) or front-end processor, shows a list of kanji that are possible phonetic matches.


  1. I ALWAYS WONDERED ABOUT THIS. Now I can sleep at night.

  2. That seems very complicated. I bet it takes a few months to learn to type well on a Japanese based keyboard.
